....slowly, but surely.....

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Fwd: Tax calculator

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Begin forwarded message:

From: "ONE" <no-reply@list.one.org>
Date: April 15, 2014 at 10:12:47 AM EDT
To: "Nathanael Holley" <nate.holley@gmail.com>
Subject: Tax calculator
Reply-To: no-reply@list.one.org

Blank Email

Check out just how much good your tax dollars are doing with our budget calculator right now.

Nathanael, you should feel really proud today.


Because just a tiny amount of your taxes is doing a world of good. Moms are getting treatment to fight HIV. Babies are getting life-saving vaccines. Families are sleeping under bed nets. Because of you.

Check out just how much good your tax dollars are doing with our budget calculator right now. And don't forget to sign our petition asking Congress to preserve life-saving programs that fight global poverty. 


The ONE Campaign

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