....slowly, but surely.....

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Durex: Baby App

Why didn't I think of this!!!.... oh yeah...


Sent to you by knoemoore via Google Reader:


Durex Condoms has released a great iPhone app that replicates what it's like to care for a new born child. By downloading the app a user can impregnate another iphone thus causing the user to have to take care of his baby. The app wil alert and annoy you constantly, just like a new born does. The only way to block this, or prevent it is by getting a link to the condom app through the QR Code on the condom box. Not only is this a novel app to help guys relate to the duties involved in caring for a baby, but it sells condoms. To avoid hearing the baby crying and having to feed it all the time we will buy the the condoms for the QR code. But most importantly, we will now use them to avoid having to do this in real life.

Made for the Future Lions 2010 competition, organized by digital agency AKQA and Cannes Lions Advertising festival.

Creatives: Nicolai Villads, Peter Ammentorp
Interactive Designer: Raul Montenegro


Things you can do from here:


Monday, June 14, 2010

Digg Story: The world's only immortal animal

I wanted to share this story with you: http://digg.com/d31Ts9A
"The world's only immortal animal"
This jellyfish may have discovered the fountain of youth -- and its
numbers are increasing. Watch out for the "silent invasion".
+11 people dugg this story.

Sent from my iPhone

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

All the SKIN

Wow! I totally had a dream that was very similar to this, but it wasn't as 'pleasant'. It was more like a nightmare really. But I like the way she did this video.