....slowly, but surely.....

Thursday, January 28, 2010



Here it is. Tell us what we want to here.


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via CONCRETELOOP.COM by J. Dakar on 1/28/10

On Wednesday, President Barack Obama delivered his first State of the Union, announcing that job creation would be his administration's top priority as well as moving forward with health care reform legislation.

The President, whose approval ratings have dropped about 20 percent since he took office last year, acknowledged his mistakes of the last twelve months, but said he felt strong he could deliver on the promises he made during the campaign:

"I campaigned on the promise of change — 'change we can believe in,' the slogan went. And right now, I know there are many Americans who aren't sure if they still believe we can change — or at least, that I can deliver it. But remember this — I never suggested that change would be easy, or that I can do it alone."

President Obama also called for a three-year freeze on all government spending other than national security and public insurance programs mandated by law like Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, beginning next year. He also called out the Supreme Court for its reversal last week in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission that would allow a limitless amount of corporate funding in elections; Supreme Court justice Samuel Alito shook his head repeatedly and mouthed the words "not true" while the other justices appeared stone-faced and the rest of the chamber seemed to spring to its feet with applause.

Check out more photos and video of the speech below.

Calling for both parties to work together on the nation's challenges, the President said, "We do not give up. We do not quit. We do not allow fear or division to break our spirit. In this new decade, it's time the American people get a government that matches their decency, that embodies their strength."


( Photos: GETTY IMAGES )


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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

All Hail or Aww Hell?

Apple astounds tech world with beautiful new product while simultaneously offending consumers by neglecting to provide a reason to buy it.

p.s. Where are OS X and some freakin' usb ports, you cheap bastards.


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via Gizmodo by Don Nguyen on 1/27/10

If you still haven't gotten your fill of the iPad here are some official pictures to satisfy your appetite.



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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Iris Schieferstein

I can actually see how these could work. They are very beautifully executed.


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via Design Milk by Jessica on 1/14/10


Intriguing and somewhat disturbing these shoes aptly titled, "Gun Hoofs" by artist/ designer, Iris Schieferstein are something to be revered and admired.

©2010 Design Milk | Posted by Jessica in Style & Fashion | Permalink | No comments | Tweet This | Share on Facebook


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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Fwd: Hero in Haiti

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From: "Patty O'Brien (LinkedIn Messages)" <messages-noreply@linkedin.com>
Date: January 20, 2010 3:21:26 PM EST
To: Nathanael Holley <reyto@yahoo.com>
Subject: Hero in Haiti


Patty O'Brien has sent you a message.

Date: 1/20/2010

Subject: Hero in Haiti

I personally know Eric Klein and his 501c3 Can-Do.org. Eric is in Haiti right now with 17 water purification trucks capable of distributing 100,000 gallon of fresh water daily. He needs $ for 5,000 gallons of diesel fuel to get the trucks to distribution locations. Please check out Eric's blog for daily updates from Haiti on Can-Do.org. Money you donate goes directly to the Can-Do team. Eric was a runner-up on Oprah's The Big Give TV show and was awarded a Global Compassion Award by the United Nations for his humanitarian work around the world. He is the real deal and this is an amazing organization that needs support for disaster relief in Haiti. Please share the link Can-Do.org with friends, colleagues and social networks.

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Coolest Mouse Ever

Advertising once again gives us a conceptual experience that teaches a lesson while prompting a giggle.


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Thursday, January 14, 2010


Lets band together as an international community to help a country in great need.


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via CONCRETELOOP.COM by ANGEL on 1/13/10

A Haitian woman is helped after being trapped in rubble on Tuesday, January 12th in Port-au-Prince following a huge earthquake measuring 7.0 rocked the impoverished Caribbean nation of Haiti. The massive quake toppled buildings (including the Haitian Presidential palace, also pictured above) and caused widespread damage and panic.

President Obama released a statement shortly after the news broke of the earthquake saying,

"My thoughts and prayers go out to those who have been affected by this earthquake. We are closely monitoring the situation and we stand ready to assist the people of Haiti."

No official word on the loss of life, but according to CNN, it is expected to be in the thousands.


Wondering how you help Haiti in their time of need? You can donate $5 by texting YELE to 501501 or get more info by visiting www.yele.org. The American Red Cross has also setup their website for donations (www.redcross.org).

( Photos: GETTY IMAGES )


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Friday, January 08, 2010

One horn. Many tears.

This is just weird.


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via Boing Boing by Xeni Jardin on 1/8/10

Here's a video of a fellow dressed as a unicorn, posing as a sword-wielding samurai. I don't know that I would like to be chased by him. (thanks, Jeff)


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Thursday, January 07, 2010

the proof.

This is Brandy is one of my major influences and inspirations.

Friday, January 01, 2010