....slowly, but surely.....

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Mommy was Right

In one of the first scenes in Mommy Dearest, Joan Crawford, played by the incomparable Faye Dunaway bathes in her ultra-luxurious bathroom. We see her wash her face in scalding hot water and then use ice water to rinse away the grime. Why would someone torture themselves like that everyday? I'll tell you why, because it works. I've recently taken to using the steam room at my gym after each workout. I sit in the steam room for as long as I can bear it and then I rinse in a super cold shower. The heat opens up my pores and encourages my body to sweat-out toxins while the cold water closes pores up again. My skin feels fresh, clean and tight. At first it was a little uncomfortable, now I look forward to it as part of my daily ritual.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Is Goth Green?

Latex, old lace, leather, found items, homemade and recyled, goth designers are really making a comeback with a wild assortment of new ideas about what erotic-wear, cos-play and everyday should look like. I'm really interested in finding out how green these creations can be.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Global Chicken Crisis

While grabbing a bite to eat at a small chicken joint in scenic Crown Heights Brooklyn, I snapped this pic which illustrates the new mentality of the American businessman or woman. What else can I say? I'm still learning about the minutia of the Global Economic Crisis through media majicians like NPR's This American Life. Check out episode #375 for a detailed explanation of the crisis from the perspective of failing banks.