....slowly, but surely.....

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Technology these days can really stack up on a guy if he's not careful. You begin to collect things that you either use rarely or never at all. My cell contract of two years is coming to an end soon and I plan to switch over to another carrier and get the iphone. I think it's a good idea because I'd be knocking out two birds with one stone (i think killing is too strong a word).

But here's the ever present dilema. How do I pay for it? I thought about waiting until my birthday, but that seems so far away even now at the end of October, a month is a long time to string out a contract you don't want anymore. Then I thought, I don't use my DS or PSP much anymore, and there are new versions of both availalble now anyways, so why not sell them to raise the funds? Then I'd still have to save up later to buy the new versions of both, or one of the gaming devices. Now that I think of it, you use a phone everyday and it's helpful in emergencies, but the ds and psp are just for fun, and usually only on long trips. I think I'll sell them both.

Friday, October 17, 2008

All airborne!

Air Art from flip on Vimeo.

Next stop, anime-style gunships and post-apocalyptic society rebuilding!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

That's nice, I think?

i found this chair at a yard sale in upstate new york . i re- upholster ed the seat with a thick knit and painted it white to make it younger and less formal. now that i think of it, i should have taken a before pic to make the reveal more dramatic. oh well, next time.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

another late pic from my trip to the moma with a friend.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

one big guard dog wouldn't be as cute, would it? only in chelsea.

The big picture.

Beached from Keith Loutit on Vimeo

Maybe this is how God sees us sometimes. Who can quibble over insignificant differences when our commonalities are so eloquently displayed? The artists name is Keith Loutit.