....slowly, but surely.....

Saturday, May 31, 2008

A Lovely Day

My favorite part of Central Park. It has an unmistakeable grandeur that illicits romanticism from all those who visit without fail. Like a time portal to another era, it brings a not so subtle formality to one's experience of the park and offers respectful acknowledgement to the natural beauty within it's boundaries. I would love to have a party there. What kind i don't know.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

It just might work

Music is a unique business these days. Especially since, due to the dawning of the digital age, people have new ways of stealing it, buying it and making it for themselves. We all love music, and in most parts of the Western world, we all dream of being closer to it and its production. Pop stars, rock stars, indie hits, most downloaded favorites, who wouldn't want a piece of the action.

Well, I have an idea. There is this new website that just launched called rifflet that allows people to download music files and share them with others, finished or unfinished. What if a committee of some sort were put together to rifle through these riffs and produce an album of what the talented general public is dabbling with in their own homes? I think it could be really fun and people could share in the profits and joy of their music making hobby in a way that embraces community values and ideals instead of individual dictations of taste and substance.

I put this question to the makers of rifflet. Why not? Hit me back with why you think this could or couldn't work. I would love to see something like this come to pass.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

find the time to care. trust that it doesn't take much. become different.

Friday, May 09, 2008

Bask in the Glow of my Non-Fame!

Hey there.

Someone named Clayton sent me an invitation to this thing called VerveEarth. It places blogs and other net-oddities on a global map so that people can pour over digital media based on geographic location. I think its a pretty cute idea. Especially, if your looking to get a feel for what spots and groups of people are into what. So check my little rss feed location button thing for SNIZATCH out.

Also. I'm concerned about the logistics involved for the May 18th AIDS Walk here in New York. I'm ashamed to say that this year will be my first year participating and I have no idea how to comport myself on a "walk". Do you talk to people on the way?Do you chant? Do you link arms and sing songs? How does it all work, and why is it a walk instead of a run? Whatever happens I'll try to prepare myself.

Please help me raise money for the NY AIDS Walk. Click on the link below to donate money online.


Monday, May 05, 2008

My Art Hero

This video of my new art hero, Bruce Shapiro, is simply amazing. You won't believe his ingenious use of motion control to produce precise lines and forms. Although my main (read most productive) forms of expression continue to be dance, music and literature (not in that order), I'm simply fascinated by computer art in video games, websites, architecture etc. The one thing that keeps me from fully exploring these art forms is a cripplingly insufficient understanding of mathematics. (sigh)