....slowly, but surely.....

Monday, January 14, 2008

Strengths and Weaknesses

I believe that everyone should know their own strengths and weaknesses.

Friday, January 04, 2008

Personal Time

Is there some sort of unwritten rule of life that states one must immediately be bombarded with unforeseen responsibilities and tasks at the precise moment that one decides to take some time for oneself? If you are me, or anyone else who actually longs for some time to yourself, then the answer is most undoubtedly yes.

Today was a very good day at work for me. We shot some video clips that will be used to rally the sales troops of one of our clients in an upcoming sales conference type thing I guess. It's always good to step outside of my usual routine of think, write, show others, listen while others rethink and rewrite what I've thought and wrote, wait a little, and then give them the exact same writings and thinkings again when they realize the rethinking and rewriting was unnecessary and unwarranted. No, I'm not patting myself on the back, its just that I'm a junior right now so I only get the really duh writing assignments anyways. And, as you can tell by the quality and frequency of this "blog", for good reason.

Anywho. Today was a very good day but I am disappointed that I couldn't find time to sneak away and grab my glasses and turn in my continuing education paperwork for approval and processing.