....slowly, but surely.....

Sunday, January 21, 2007


Well yesterday I wrote a brilliant song in the tub and then totally forgot it.
So me. I was about to go and do some work in the office and wanted to relax before I got there so I took a bath instead of a shower. Relaxing is not even the word, it was more like I trancended to another plane. I haven't had a bath like that in a while and I really let myself go, I felt the water and existed in my body and forced my mind's business into submission. I was singing stuff like wade in the water etc. Then, I started making up this song as i went called Bathe with me. I tried to write it down while I was on the way to work, but it just didn't go as well as in the tub. Well, what are you going to do?

I didn't go to church today, although I was genuine when I posted earlier about wanting to continue to go to the Horizon church, my reservations of late have been getting the best of me. Hopefully, I will soon overcome them and make time to either go to Horizon or find another church to attend.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

More Cover Letters!

I really hate coverletters. I see the need for them, but writing them is so time consuming and nerve wrecking. I'm much more comfortable with face to face interviews and phone interviews. My writing style is very staccato and can seem kind of schitzo at times.

I finally went back to the gym for the fist time since the Christmas holiday season and coming back from NC. I'm sore, but its good to know that I can get back into the habit of going with little resistance from my body or even the rapidly shrinking mercury readings.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Back in the Habit!

I'm back from NC! It was such a blessing to be able to go back and visit with my family once again during the holiday season. Christmas is one of my favorite holidays, and it never fails to bring new understanding and love between me and my kinfolk.

In fact, I was so inspired by conversations that I had with my middle brother while at home, I researched, discovered and attended a branch of the church he attends in Raleigh NC. The similarities between it and another non-denominational church my family attended when I was a little boy were striking. The music, the greetings, the set up of the sanctuary and their communion were almost identical. How comforting and remarkable!! I certainly plan to continue to worship, and study with with them.

Thank you Jesus Christ!