....slowly, but surely.....

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

His Royal Highness, Nathanael LyCurtis Duncan Holley


Birthday Boy! ... I mean Man!

So, want to know what a super fab creature like myself does for his birthday?
Here goes, (not in chronological order mind you)

1. Get up
2. Listen to Margaret Cho on Itunes, smoke two Camel ultralights for breakfast.
3. Lay on couch
4. Pop a diet pill and an ant-acid.
5. Speak to Mother on phone for about an hour about Edenton family issues
6. Drift in and out of conscienceness to the soothing sounds of Popeye, Brutus and Olive Oil on television
7. Don plaid scarf, patchwork black leather trench, pants and shoes to troll over to McDonalds for nuggets and fries.
8. Inhale fries and nuggets
9.Take various calls from friends wishing me a Happy Bday etc.
10. Watch Disney's Anastasia on television with teary eyes, (Identify a little too much with the dramatic heroine Anastasia)
11. Drift on the net, searching for Christmas gifts, IM etc.
12. Blog, all the while thinking of specific errands that have been deftly neglected